After a natural disaster, caregivers help children cope by providing emotional support and creating a safe environment to rebuild their sense of security and resilience.
Local TN resources ensure children's well-being during and after the crisis.
In the wake of floods, protecting children's physical health is essential for their safety and recovery.
Social-emotional health is key to a child’s ability to manage emotions and handle challenges. Supporting this development helps children feel secure and resilient.
Toolkits for Emergency Response: Early Childhood Educators, Home Visitor-Edition, Child Welfare/Foster Family-Edition
CCR&R offers CPR and First Aid certification to all Tennessee Department of Human Services (TN DHS) licensed child care agencies.
Emergency Preparedness
Sarah Vinson
Emergency Preparedness
Assistant Coordinator
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Hunter Schmidt
Emergency Preparedness Specialist
Central, Mid-Cumberland, And Upper Cumberland Regions
Randi Faulkner
Emergency Preparedness Specialist
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